Professionals | Tohunga

Professionals | Tohunga

Supporting Parents Healthy Children (SPHC) is an across-workforce programme project led by Whāraurau.

The across-workforce national project team (WhāraurauMatua RakiTe PouLe VaTe Rau Ora and Abacus) in partnership with the Ministry of Health are working together to support services to implement the national SPHC Guideline.

This section of the website provides a range of information and resources to support health workforce managers and clinicians to implement the SPHC Guideline:

Parents want the best for their children and this Guideline provides all mental health and addiction services, adult, infant, child and youth services alike, with the mandate to work in a family-focused way to help parents achieve this. This will ensure that the wellbeing of children is everyone’s responsibility, not just infant, child and youth services. The Guideline outlines essential and best practice elements of family and whānau focused practices that all mental health and addictions services are expected to be actively working towards. 

SPHC Guideline

  • Adult Mental Health Services COPMI - Quick Card
    This is a guide to support you to think about the needs of your client’s children and the strengths and vulnerabilities of their family.
  • Community Checklist 
    This check list is for staff and managers in community mental health and addictions services to help them assess how family/whānau friendly their service is.
  • Residential / Inpatient Checklist 
    This check list is for staff and managers in residential and inpatient mental health and addictions services to help them assess how family/whānau friendly their service is.
  • Talking with your child about mental health or addiction issues  
    This information sheet provides advice and suggestions for parents for talking with their child/ren about the parents mental health or addiction issue.
  • Living Well
    Living Well is a resource for family, whānau and friends of people using alcohol and other drugs. It provides suggestions, strategies and ideas about how families, whānau and friends can look after themselves during difficult times.
  • Parenting Through Challenging Times (Matua Raki) 
    This booklet is part of the Supporting Parents, Healthy Children programme of work and aims to support parents or carers to talk to their children/tamariki in an age-appropriate way about challenges that might be occurring in the family and whānau; and build healthy strong relationships with their children/tamariki.

► Order hard copies here

All factsheets originally developed by Emerging Minds in Australia and adapted for New Zealand families and whānau. 
► Order hard copies or click on title to download

This resource helps you to connect with your baby when you are experiencing mental health challenges so that they feel secure and nurtured.  It steps you through:

  • Understanding your feelings and behaviours
  • Understanding what your baby notices and experiences
  • Communicating and connecting with your baby


This resource will help you to connect with your toddler or young child when you are experiencing a mental health issue so they feel secure and nurtured. It steps you through:

  • Understanding your feelings and behaviours
  • Thinking about what your toddler or young child notices and experiences
  • Communicating with your toddler


This resource helps you to prepare for conversations about your mental health with your child so that they have a better understanding of what is happening. It steps you through:

  • Understanding your feelings and behaviours
  • Understanding what your child notices and experiences
  • Preparing to talk with your child.


This resource helps you to prepare for conversations about your mental health with your teenager so that they have a better understanding of what is happening. It steps you through:

  • Understanding your thoughts, feelings and behaviours
  • Understanding what your teenager notices and experiences
  • Preparing to talk to your teenager


  • How can I help my child -  A guide
    This guide has been prepared for parents who experience mental health issues. It is intended to give you time to think about being a parent living with mental health issues and to help you find practical ways to strengthen the social and emotional wellbeing of your child and family or whānau.  Originally developed by Emerging Minds in Australia this guide has been adapted for New Zealand families and whānau. 
    ► Order hard copies

Click on title to download:

  • SPHC animation poster*: We created this SPHC poster based on the SPHC animation. Download a copy of the poster for your workspaces and waiting rooms.
  • SPHC editable poster* for services: Info for parents and whānau
    This is a printable poster for your waiting rooms and clinic rooms or even to have on your websites
  • SPHC editable pamphlet* for services: Info for parents & whānau
    This is intended to be a tool around having a conversation with parents for practitioners
    Edit text, add logos and your organisation's details on this pamphlet using Adobe. 


*Acknowledgement: These resources were adapted from a resource shared by West Coast DHB 

  • Think Parent - Think Family (Door Hanger
    Developed originally by Kina Trust this door hanger is for use in mental health and addiction services to indicate a family/whānau meeting is in progress and to promote the message that this is a family /whānau focused service. 
    ► Order hard copies

There are two resources in this section to assist with implementation and developing a plan. These can be downloaded for you to adapt to your service’s needs.

The Education Plan is an example of a regional plan encompassing Single Session Family Consultation (SSFC), Let’s Talk Training as well as Foundation Child Development opportunities.

The plan can be used online and for in-person training opportunities. For support around implementation of in-person training in your workplace, please contact [email protected]


The Implementation Tool (a driver diagram) is an example for organisations and regions and may assist with your service’s implementation of the SPHC Guideline.
It has examples of how to create organisational cultural change for the entire workforce.

For support around this tool please contact [email protected]

For professionals who are interested in joining the national SPHC Champion database, please click here

A paper on the responsiveness of crisis mental health services in Wellington, New Zealand by Ari S. Pfeiffenberger, Amanda J. D'Souza, Mark A. Huthwaite & Sarah E. Romans.

Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aotearoa - PADA
PADA provides education and training for health care providers who are supporting parents suffering from anxiety or depression due to pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting.  The PADA website has valuable information to help support Aotearoa's whānau -  resources, videos, screening tools, merchandise and support lines.

Click these links for:  SPHC Newsletters  |  SPHC Presentations

Further resources can be found at